Vasectomy is covered by most health insurance. We are “in-network” with all major PPO health insurance plans. For your individual coverage details, we recommend that you contact your insurance plan. Indicate that you are planning an “in-office” vasectomy with consultation (CPT codes 55250 and 99203). We require a $100 non-refundable deposit to make an appointment. Once you schedule your vasectomy, we will verify your insurance coverage and notify you 2-3 business days prior to your procedure with a cost estimate. We will ask you to pay this estimated amount (minus the deposit) at the time of your visit. Once your insurance company has processed the claim, you will receive an explanation of benefits (EOB) that details your coverage and responsibility. An adjustment (refund) is made a few weeks after we receive the EOB.
For men without health insurance, The Dallas Vasectomy Clinic offers an all-inclusive price of $699. This fee includes the consultation, procedure, and 3-month semen analysis. This is the best vasectomy value in Texas, as it is a true all inclusive price. You will need to make a $100 non-refundable deposit to make an appointment. We will collect the remaining $599 on the day of your appointment.
We recommend that all men contact their insurance plan to determine if Dr. Mootha is in their insurance network and if vasectomy is a covered procedure.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions about insurance coverage or cost.
The Dallas Vasectomy Clinic - Dr. Ravi Mootha
2821 President George Bush Highway, Suite 305, Richardson, Texas 75082