Vasectomy in general is safe and simple. Vasectomy is an operation, and all surgery has some risks, such as bleeding, bruising, and infection. However, serious problems are very rare.
Our goal is to make your procedure as painless as possible. Since we use a spray anesthetic technique, the No-scalpel vasectomy is an almost painless procedure. Once the anesthetic has been sprayed in to the skin, you should feel no pain. Some men feel a brief "tugging" sensation as the vas deferens is manipulated during the procedure. Most men tell that the procedure was far easier than they were expecting.
After a vasectomy, you may be a little sore for a few days. Generally, two day's rest is enough time for recovery before men can return to work and most normal, non-strenuous physical activity. Most men only require Tylenol or Advil for a few days. Exercise and sex can usually be resumed 7 days after the procedure. The discomfort is usually less with the no-scalpel technique because there is less injury to the tissues. Your doctor or nurse will provide you with complete instructions about what to do after vasectomy.
On average, it only takes 12 minutes to perform No-Scalpel Vasectomy. Our vasectomies are done right in the doctor's office. With our "single visit" vasectomy consultation and procedure, your clinic visit will be less than one hour.
You must be absolutely sure that you don't want to father a child under any circumstances. Then, talk to your partner. It's a good idea to make the decision together. Consider other kinds of birth control. It might help to talk to a friend or relative who has had a vasectomy. A vasectomy might not be right for you if you are very young, your current relationship is not stable, you are having the vasectomy just to please your partner, you are under a lot of stress, or you are counting on being able to reverse the procedure later.
The only thing that will change is that you will not be able to make your partner pregnant. Your body will continue to produce testosterone. You will have the same amount of semen. Vasectomy won't change your beard, muscles, sex drive, erections, or climax. Some men say that without the worry of accidental pregnancy and the bother of other birth control methods, sex is more relaxed and enjoyable than before.
Vasectomy only interrupts the vas deferens that carries sperm from the testes to where they are added to your semen. 99% of the semen is produced in the prostate, and this remains unchanged. A vasectomy does not alter a man's sensation of orgasm and pleasure. Your penis and your testes are not altered in any way. The procedure has no impact on the man's ability to perform sexually, nor does it affect the balance of male hormones or sex drive. Your body still produces semen, and erections and ejaculations occur normally. As before, the body naturally absorbs unused sperm. A man will not feel any different physically from the way he felt before.
No. After a vasectomy, there are always some active sperm left in your system. It takes about 30 ejaculations to clear them. You and your partner should use some other form of birth control until your semen is free of sperm. We will check your semen three months after vasectomy. This is an important step that is included at no additional cost.
No! Sperm can remain in the vas deferens above the operation site for months after vasectomy. You will not be considered sterile until a post-vasectomy semen analysis at three months shows no sperm in your ejaculate. Until then, you must continue to use other birth control methods to prevent pregnancy. This 3 month semen analysis is free of charge in our clinic.
You should not do heavy physical labor for at least 48 hours after your vasectomy. If your job doesn't involve this kind of work, you can go back sooner. Many men have their vasectomies on Friday so they can take it easy over the weekend and go back to work on Monday.
Sex can usually be resumed 7 days after the procedure, but remember to use some other kind of birth control until the doctor says you are sterile.
All contraceptive methods carry some risks as well as benefits. Vasectomy is a very low risk procedure, but complications are possible.
The Dallas Vasectomy Clinic - Dr. Ravi Mootha
2821 President George Bush Highway, Suite 305, Richardson, Texas 75082